Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Ropes

Just go ahead and say ouch, ugh, *@&!, or whatever word you choose.  The ropes are just the warm up to a Muay Thai Kickboxing one-on-one session with Sean at Pura Vida Club.  I did a session with him Friday so I knew the ropes were coming.

Here's the warm up:  four rounds of 20 seconds.  First 10 seconds is alternating your arms up and down to move the ropes as fast as you can while also constantly moving your legs in lunges or squats.  After 10 seconds, it's 10 seconds of lifting both arms over your head and slamming them down as hard as you can.  But here's the kicker....you do four rounds.  Your heart rate soars and you gasp for air and it's only the beginning of the session.  You may think it's only 20 seconds. Try it and you'll see that 20 seconds can seem like an eternity.  I asked Sean if they get easier and was told honestly no.  He said the better you get at it the faster you get.  They're not meant to be easy.  I'm kind of thinking that exercise was designed to separate the men from the boys or the no guts, no glory mentality.  For when I finish those four rounds I'm simply thinking "I am woman, here me roar!"

I asked Sean to video tape me doing the warm.  Here's how it's done.

After that it's kicks, knee ups, punches and today adding elbows.  It's 30 minutes of push as hard as you can. Repeatedly Sean said to me, "You got this."  It helps push through, especially since I did a 3pm workout after getting up at 2:45am, did the morning newscast, and didn't finish up with a shoot until almost 1pm.

Part of that shoot was at Cry Baby Ranch.  The owner, Roxanne Thurman, told me about a t-shirt they are getting in within the next few days.  It says "Strong is the new skinny."  I've already put in my order for one!

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