Monday, September 5, 2011

Mega Hike Day In Aspen

Saturday was a mega hike day in Aspen for me.  I did two hikes.  The first one was the Ute Trail.  It's dubbed nature's stairmaster.  It's a short and steep trail with an elevation gain of 1,165 feet.  It's .9 miles each way.  It's a tight trail of switchbacks and steep inclines.  But the view from Ute Rock is worth it!

My second hike of the day was the Hunter Creek Trail to an abandoned settlement.  Several structures are still standing including the saloon, outhouse, what looks like a barn or lodging building, and a house.  One house has collapsed.  It's a great trail that has some good climbs through rocks in the beginning then the train widens out to a more dirt and small rock trail then eventually to the Hunter Valley meadow.  Round trip it was about 5-6 miles.

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