Thursday, October 13, 2011

Interesting Run on the Cherry Creek

A year ago on October 11th I left a home of ten years for a new home in Colorado.  So my run was suppose to be one of reflection.   Instead it turned into a different run on the Cherry Creek Bike Path.  I'm used to seeing a lot of homeless people on the path but Tuesday it was more than normal.  Most likely because of the beautiful weather.  As I'm running along around 4pm, I have to go past a group of three getting high off what looked like a crack pipe.  I often do see folks smoking pot on the path.  Not once have I seen a police officer on the path.  Keep in mind I usually run the very popular part of the path in downtown.  To top it off on my run back I look up and see a guy peeing on a ledge.

Instead of a run of reflection guess this run taught me to expect the unexpected!

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