Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Running The Ranch

Sunday morning I actually got a little downtime with myself, nature and the sunrise.  Running early on a Sunday morning is one of my favorite things, especially when I get a chance to enjoy a beautiful place like the Smith Fork Ranch.

I took off on a trail run first down the Old Ferrier Ditch Trail.  We rode horses on the trail Saturday and I ran along the cliff by the river, through the Cottonwoods back to the ranch's breakfast ride spot and to the river where we crossed on horses the day before.

As I was running back the sun was rising above the mountains and it felt like it was chasing me down the trail.  I raced it back to the road.

From there I ran by the cabins and main building.  As I was passing the barn and where a couple of folks were practicing roping, Gus the ranch dog, ran with me.  We headed back to the cattle guard at the entrance to the ranch.  It was a great view of Needle Rock.

From there I ran back for a well earned breakfast.  That's a way to the start the day!

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