Sunday, January 8, 2012

Rest Day on a Souper Saturday

Rest days are important.  So after three days of intense workouts I took a rest day Saturday.  I needed it since I was really sore from Muay Thai Kickboxing.

Plus with the snow it was the perfect day to take a rest day and get some chores done at home including making some healthy soups.  One of my goals this year is to cook a little more.  So the first weekend in January is the perfect time to start!  I split the soups and put half in the freeze, some in the fridge, and put two servings of each in containers for one of my cousins.  I made my mom's vegetable soup.  She normally puts lean ground beef in hers.  I put ground turkey instead. The other soup I saw on Giada at Home on the Food Network.  In the "Power Boost" episode she made a turkey, kale and brown rice soup.  Both are delicious and I'm so glad to have some lunches and dinners done for the week plus more to enjoy over the next few weeks.  

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