Thursday, January 19, 2012

Skiing Steamboat With An Olympian

Wednesday I got a chance to ski with an Olympian but not just any Olympian.  I skied with the first American male to medal in alpine skiing, Billy Kidd.  I'm still very much a beginner skier but Billy gave me tips to be confident on the mountain.  I'd been thinking too much about my knees, hips, and butt.

Billy taught me to ski well you have to look like a champion.  Look how world-class skiers stand - feet apart, knees bent, arms out. It starts with standing.  Then going down the mountain, it's about the pole plant.  Pole plant to start the turn. Shift weight to outside foot in the turn.  It was a ski lesson breakthrough for me!
 I'm looking forward to practicing on the slopes at Beaver Creek this weekend.

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