Monday, August 22, 2011

Hiking Wilder Gulch To Ptarmigan Hill

Sunday I did a hike with two friends visiting their friends in the Beaver Creek/Vail area.  We'd headed over to Wilder Gulch, which you access at the rest area of exit 190 on I-70.  It's about a 7.1 hike round trip to the top of Ptarmigan with an approximate 1,200 foot elevation gain.  The hike is called Wilder Gulch to Ptarmigan Hill.

Since I was so sore, bruised, and scratched up from Saturday's mountain bike crash and miles of hiking, I loved doing a not so rushed hike in beautiful scenery.  We made it to Ptarmigan Pass in a little under hour forty-five minutes.  From there it's a steeper climb up to the top of Ptarmigan Hill and an elevation of 12,145 feet.  It's a beautiful view from the top. You have a great view of Machine Gun Ridge and Mount of the Holy Cross.

We did a leisurely walk back down really soaking up the views and numerous wildflowers.

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