Monday, August 15, 2011

A Massive Climb

Saturday was a massive climb....up to the summit of Mount Massive, the third highest peak in the contiguous 48 states.  It is a long hike and big elevation gain.  The trailhead starts at 10,000 feet and you climb to 14, 421 feet at summit so it's a 4,421 foot gain in elevation.  It's 13.6 miles but my friend Sarah and I took a wrong turn so it ended up being more like 14 miles for us.  It was tough but so rewarding and the views are incredible.  Because of the mileage it's an all day hike.  I can certainly see why so many hike up and camp then come back down the next day.  It was a long day but a fun day and I made it 14 miles round trip!

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