Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day Run

Father's Day is one of the hardest days of the year for me.  Last time I saw my dad before he passed was Father's Day two years ago.  So after tears after waking up, I did something I hadn't done in a long time - run for coffee.  I used to do it all the time when I worked a night shift.

Runs are therapeutic for me and this one certainly was.  I just went about 3 miles on the Cherry Creek Bike Path.  It was a warm and sunny morning so the path was busy with folks running, walking, and biking.

Even though it was crowded I was still able to get lost in my tunes and use the time to think through some things.  Luckily I had a very busy day ahead of me with plans to head back to Keystone for the rest of the TBEX conference.  As I was running I thought how my dad would want me to keep moving step at a time, remembering that nothing happens overnight and with hard work the good things will come.

Still miss him dearly but know he's with me every step of the way, even running down the bike path.

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