Sunday, June 10, 2012

Intervals & 2 Sets Weights

Thursday was my intervals and weights training session with Cristina at Pura Vida Club.  I went in really tired but was still able to push in the workout.  I started with sprints at 7.0 mph and increased .5 mph with each sprint.  These were 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off the treadmill.  Because I was tired I only went to 10.0 mph.  During sprints we laughed because with my crazy schedule, workouts are my therapy!

Then it was in to weights.  Cristina had me do exercises in sets.  Some counts were 12 and some were 6 depending on the move.

One set of 12 was lunges with row.  That was followed with ViPR push ups.  These were 6 on each side of putting one hand on the ViPR and other on the floor for push ups.

Another set was triceps pull downs with side lunge for 12 followed by Bosa Ball leg lifts of 6 on each side.

Here are the great gym moves.

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