Monday, June 11, 2012

Race To The Mat...To Let It Go

Apparently yoga is therapy, or at least for me it is.  I went to a different Core Power Yoga location today. I was going to take a noon class but wasn't able to get out of work in time.  When I checked the CPY website I found a 3:30pm Core Power 1 class.  Perfect for me today!

As we started class, the instructor Jessi was talking about racing to the mat as a metaphor to life.  That's definitely me.  Yes I race to yoga so I can have a moment to breathe, relax, recharge, and renew.  Kind of ironic but that's the way it works for me.

A few minutes later she said breathe in and then as you breathe out, let it go.  As I put the two simple lines together in my head and focused on those during the class I found the heart of why I enjoy Core Power Yoga.  Yes I race to the mat just so I can let it go.  

I'd originally started going to increase flexibility and use it as a supplemental workout to my other cardio and strength workouts.  What I've found is that no classes are the same and that the classes are not just a physical workout for me but also an emotional and in a sense spiritual moment for me as I ponder over thoughts and ideas.

In a couple of the classes and in the mine today, instructors have said when we're in an inverted position about how those positions can give you a different perspective.  It's so true.  As I walk out of each class I have a different perspective on something going on in my life.

So like today, I go to yoga to get a new perspective and challenge myself through the postures in a hot room. It really is detoxing and yet renewing at the same time as you sweat through the postures.  In the 60 minutes of class, something changes and there's some sort of different perspective at the end.

Yes, I race to the let it go. 


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