Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Let's Do Opposites

Yesterday was my usual Monday Kinesis and Pilates session with Erin at Pura Vida Club.  After a jump rope warm-up, Erin said let's do opposites today.  She incorporated the Move Chair with the Kinesis cables.

Here's one of the moves of opposites.  While pressing the chair's pedal down, I did a double arm row.  Working opposites means full body workout.  It may look easy but keep the balance and form are tough.

This was my last session with Erin before my 40th, exactly one week from today.  While we were in the Kinesis room she let me know how proud she was of me for sticking with it for a year.....not quite there but close.  With fitness goals, a lot of folks get frustrated, get busy, get lazy, or just give up.  Not me.  She knew I was determined to see this through and that's exactly what I'm doing.  Sure is nice when someone let's you know he or she is proud of you.  Erin has been so motivating to me through this year.  I'm certainly lucky to have her as a trainer and a friend.  Of course she knows this quest doesn't just end on Tuesday.  I'm going to have to come up with the next challenge to go after.

After we did about 40 minutes of Pilates infused Kinesis we headed in to the Pilates studio for jump board fun.  That's 3 minute series of double and single legs jumps on the reformer.  An example is jump board with feet parallel for one minute, next minute feet in V position, and third minute alternating feet together and wide.  That's 3 minutes with no breaks.  Since we were doing opposites, Pilates was more of a cardio Pilates.

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