Monday, June 18, 2012

Lots of Lunges

Last Thursday was intervals and weights with Cristina at Pura Vida Club.  Instead of coaching me through and time watching, Cristina ran the sprints with me.  I love it when a trainer jumps in and does some of the exercises with me.  We did 30 second on, 30 seconds off at 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, and 10.5 mph. Then off to do some weight sets including the constant climb machine.  Never done that one...and certainly felt it through the weekend.  I think Cristina was on a lunge kick Thursday because I certainly had to do a ton!

Here are some the exercises including:  Lunges with ViPR Twist, Side Lunges with Weights, Constant Climber, and Bosu Lunges with Overhead Press.

Have fun trying these at the gym!

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