Sunday, June 24, 2012

Starting Day With Protein Drink

Three days in row with no big workout. Yes starting to get antsy, but know I have a tough workout coming Saturday.  Sometimes you just don't have time or you are just really tired and that's been me for three days in a row.

Made some changes to my diet this week and Friday was my fifth day in a row of starting day with drinking a protein shake/drink within 30 minutes of waking up.  When I did a mountain biking clinic in Breckenridge last Friday, my friend Annie told me it didn't matter what time I get up but I have to get a protein shake or drink down within 30 minutes of getting up.  Now I usually do eat something or drink a protein shake but have been doing it about 2 hours after waking up.  So changing the routine!  Annie also reps VEMMA and I'm giving those products a try.  If I could look even half as fit as her I'll be happy!

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