Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Zumba With Mom

I took my first Zumba class with my mom.  Actually hard for me to believe I haven't tried a Zumba class before but I haven't.  My soon-to-be 73 year old Mom gets her dancing shoes on several times a week and takes a Zumba class at the Life Center in my hometown, Greenville, SC.  Keep in mind that on her 69th birthday she took me to the hip hop class she was in to at that time.  My mom is a pianist so she gets the beat, but she's not a dancer.  It doesn't matter.  What does matter is she gets in there with women well less have her age and the shakes it like the rest of them!  She loves her Monday night instructor Amy and I can see why. Amy is vivacious, motivating and fun.

My mom was so in to trying the follow the moves she didn't even notice I was filming for a few seconds.  Of course I jumped right back in with her and Zumba-ed away.  In the words of my mom as we were heading to the class, "This ought to be a riot."  Yes mom it was and yes I laughed more than once but when I'm almost 73 I hope I can still get my groove on!

Here's a quick clip of my mom moving to the beat.

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