Monday, February 20, 2012

Burpees With A Bosu

Today I got in my weekly hour and half session with Erin at Pura Vida Club.  She made a deal with me today - give it all I have in 30 minute Kinesis session and then I'll get to do some amazing new stretches and moves in Pilates.  I made that deal without knowing my Kinesis session would include heavier weights, countless lunges, and running up and down four flights of stairs.

One of the moves she had me do was burpees with a bosu.  Traditional burpee is starting crouched down, jump feet out into a plank position, push up, jump back to crouch position, then jump up with arms extended up to ceiling.  With the bosu ball you take that overhead and in the jump back to plank, try to kick up and back.  Here's the move with Erin cueing me through move.

She did hold up her end of the bargain and give me a series of new stretches and moves in Pilates then ended session with hanging upside down, one of my favorite moves.  

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