Saturday, February 25, 2012

Windy Workout At The Park

Today I headed over to my favorite park in Denver, Wash Park.  I didn't get there until mid-afternoon because I'd dived into some projects I needed to work out.

By the time I got there the winds had already started picking up so it turned into a warm, windy workout for me.  The park was absolutely packed!  I loved seeing so many walkers, runners, cyclists, and even in line skaters and tennis players.  It's just fun to people watch as you go around the park loop.  The most unusual thing I saw was a group jousting with metal helmets on but no body armor.  The cutest was a spotted puppy that was trying to figure out how to walk on leash but got completely tangled up in it's owners feet.

I ran the first lap, getting in the 2.6 mile loop.  My knees were a little achy today and my left toes were really hurting but I still made it around.  Decided to power walk a second loop so I could just enjoy the 65 degree weather, the wind, the park, and the people.

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