Monday, July 18, 2011

Curtsy My Way to a Great Butt

That's right...curtsy my way to a great butt!  Well curtsy, releve, squat, lunge, and run and up and down stairs my way to a great butt as was decided by my Pilates and Kinesis trainer Erin at Pura Vida Club this afternoon.  My normal Monday workout is a tough hour and half.  Today we did 45 minutes Kinesis and 45 minutes Pilates.  She did some new moves with me today and I decided we should post a new move every Monday.

So today she had me do a series of three moves using yoga blocks.  The first, lean over with hands on blocks, engage quad of standing leg, then lift other leg back and up, and down to tap on the outside of other foot.  The second, same move but add a ballet move called releve, or going up on the ball of your foot, with standing leg.

And the third move, take the second but instead of just tapping on outside of standing foot, go all the way into a curtsy.  Talk about tough!  Here are the keys factors to move, engage standing leg quad, really go up on ball of the foot in the releve, use your abs, and lean on blocks as much as you need to. 

Let's just say two and a half hours after workout I'm already feeling it!  It's going to be fun moving around tomorrow....but I love the new moves and adding curtsy my way to a great butt into my routine.

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