Wednesday, July 27, 2011


When my friend Kim was visiting me this past weekend, she told me about a cardio workout the trainers at her gym in Dallas had turned her on to.  They say it will re-shape your legs.  Kim has been doing it a couple of weeks.  She has great legs to begin with, but she works for them.  So I decided to try one of her workouts today.  Like most females, I'll try anything to shrink to the thighs!

I'm super tired but I trudge over to Pura Vida Club.  If I head home from the station I won't get a workout done today!  So I downed some Honey Stinger Organic Energy Chews and off I go to hit the sprints on the treadmill.

I did modify the workout slightly so I could also get some mileage in.  Sprints AND distance - guess who's going to be sore tomorrow!

Here's my one mile warm up:
Walk 3.5 mph for .25 miles
Walk 4.0 mph for .25 miles
Jog 6.0 mph for .25 miles
Jog 6.5 mph for .25 miles

Sprint Time!
30 second sprint at 8.0 mph then 30 second rest
Repeated at 8.5 mph, 9.0 mph, 9.5 mph

30 second spring at 10.0 mph then 1 minute rest
Repeated at 10.5 mph and 11.0 mph
Then repeat backwards to 8.0 mph

That's 13 thirty second sprints for right at 2 miles for me.

Yes I did feel like I was going to puke at 10.5 mph and 11.0 mph!  I'm sure I looked like an idiot to anyone else working out as I flying on the treadmill as fast as I can, focused, sweating, and breathing heavy then just trying to catch my breath and jamming to my tunes in the rests.  Just hope I didn't sing out loud!

Then another mile at 6.5 mph (9:13 mile pace) to finish four miles in 33 minutes.  I rounded out the cardio workout with an easy quarter of a mile walk at 3.5 mph.

As hard as it was I'm going to add this sprint workout in once or twice a week for awhile, build up to sprints up to 12 mph, and see the difference these make over the next few weeks.

Some days are long, slow, easy runs.  Others days, like today, the chase is on in full out sprints!

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