Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Running in the Rain

I love it when I get a chance to run in the rain.  Not downpours but the gentle showers that sometimes fall.  Today was one of those days.  I'd wanted to get an easy run in to work out some of the soreness in my quads from Kinesis on Monday.  Well it was another hot day so I wanted until the rain started getting close and I took off at the perfect time.  I love watching rain showers come in.  See the rain shafts in the distance moving closer to you.  It's kind of metaphoric of life.  Sometimes skies are bright and sunny and other times cloudy to stormy.  There's just something so refreshing about rain moving in.  The smell, the wind picking up, the sky changing - I just love it.  It was a run just to let my mind wander as I cruised down the path, pretty slowly today.  May not be able to solve the world's problems in that run but certainly made some headway in my list of things to think about.  The bonus, enjoying the soft rain drops falling on me as I finished the last mile.  And one of those things on my list - should I do the Denver Rock 'n Roll half marathon in October?  My answer - yes.  Looking forward to my next run in the rain.

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