Friday, July 15, 2011

Strength of a Trainer

Since I traveled to San Antonio on Thursday I didn't have time to workout.  But being in heels for 19 hours certainly counts as a workout!

This morning I worked out with my longtime trainer and friend Gregg Bell.  It was a full out core, legs, and booty strength training session of cable pulls, kettlebell, squats, lunges, chest presses, and abs.  When I lived in San Antonio I would workout with Gregg two to three mornings a week.  I relished the workouts because for me they were always much more than just a physical strength training session.  It was friendships that developed in our morning workout crew.  It's amazing how close you can get with people when you are pushing your physical and cardiovascular capabilities.  So today was a great chance for me to workout with that morning crew and catch up.....and get my butt kicked by a great friend.

I titled this blog "Strength of a Trainer" for a reason.  There have been many ups and downs in life and fitness has always been a priority and in many ways an outlet for me.  For 10 years, during those workouts with Gregg he truly was (and still is) an inspiration, coach, teacher, friend, counselor, cheerleader, and sometimes just shoulder to cry on.  There have been moments where he's just let me sob while on the spin bike....yes there have been a few of those days crying over boyfriends as the relationships don't work out.  But also those moments of going on a run and sprinting to finish line, even if it's just part of the training session.  It's those moments of pushing yourself with someone else cheering you on and believing in you, even when you don't necessarily believe you can.

Gregg is the one that got me into cycling and I'm forever grateful because I love the sport.  Never would I have thought when I walked in to Gregg's boot camp class at the Concord Athletic Club in San Antonio that I would be ten years later continuing to push my fitness limits in this year long challenge.  They say that it takes a village to raise a child.  Well, in this year long challenge in a sense it takes a village to keep me inspired and motivated.  I'm lucky to have the strength of a trainer in a longtime friend....that's willing to kick my butt every time I'm back in San Antonio!  

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