Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sometimes You Just Have To Do A Quickie

Today is one of those days when I just don't seem to have enough hours in the day to get it all done.  We all have them.  Originally I'd scheduled a Pilates session at 11am so I would get the workout in but my trainer had to go out of town.  Then I thought I'd do a nice run at Wash Park before the rain moved in.  But instead I left work close to noon and trudged home to get a few more things done on my list....yes I'm still way, way behind. 

Tuesdays are always the hardest day of the week for my on this insanely early schedule I live on because of television news.  It does help that the past two nights I've been blasted out of bed by fireworks at 10pm.  That 2:45am wake up comes WAY early.

But still no excuses.  In between writing, chores, and trying to get ready for a weekend shoot in Breckenridge (well it's vacation but of course I'm shooting video and blogging), I made myself get out for a run.  Just told myself to do a quickie.  Just get it done. 

So off I went on a run for time, not speed.  Just wanted to get 30 minutes in of nothing but me, the pavement, and the sounds of tunes on my iPod.  Pretty darn nice having the clouds around, temperatures in the 80s and watching some rain showers in the distance. 

There's usually one song that sticks out during my runs.  Today it was Journey's "Be Good To Yourself." Guess I can say for at least 30 minutes today I was and can check run off my to do list!

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