Sunday, April 8, 2012

Did Not Mean To Take Step

Thursday I had one hour for a workout - that was it, no more, no less.  So I bolted over to take the new 11:30am Fit Body class at Pura Vida Club.  The class description was:

Give your metabolism a kick start with this cardiovascular and muscular challenge. Keeping your heart rate elevated with bouts of cardio intervals while sculpting the entire body with balls, bands, weights and more. cardio * strength * flexibility

So when I went in and the instructor said grab a step and mat (and nothing else), I should have clued in that it wasn't going to be what I thought it was.

I quickly figured that out as we started in to warm-up.  It was a step class.  A few folks left shortly after the class started.  I'm sure they were like me and expecting a different class.  But I was an aerobics instructor for awhile and always hated it when someone walked out.  So I decided I was already there and to go all in for it since I only had that hour.

After about 20 minutes I remembered why I gave up teaching step.  My knees do not care for it and it does require a lot of concentration to follow routine, something I hadn't really mentally prepared for since I thought the class was something different.

I made it through but it was a long hour workout.  I did enjoy the few one minute drills like push ups, tricep dips, lunges, and jump overs we did.  I just wasn't in to doing a step routine.

Oh well I got some cardio. But my knees and calves have paid for that class for three days now.

After the class I headed over for my final Airrosti appointment on my shoulder.  Dr. Wilson said I lean my head when rotating my right shoulder.  That's probably why I still had some tightness.  So last treatment and it feels good.  Love being able to rotate shoulder without pain!

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