Sunday, April 22, 2012

Walking Course To CrossFit

Saturday turned into a little bit of an all morning workout.  I started out with two friends walking the course at Oak Hills Country Club.  We got out there about 7:15am to beat the golfers.  It was a beautiful cool morning in San Antonio.  With the peacefulness and serenity of the course, it was definitely a great way to start the weekend.  We walked about 3 miles.

Then I headed over to meet my friend Christy.  We power walked for 1.5-2 miles since we had about 20-25 minutes to kill before heading over to our first CrossFit class.  She'd signed up for it and since I was in town I tagged along.  There were a few others from her office participating in this intro class at River City CrossFit as part of their corporate membership program.  Eric and Erica were our coaches.

Here's the breakdown of our CrossFit class:

Warm up:
Frog jumps up and back
Shoulder rotations with PVC pipe
Lateral shuffle
Karaoke shuffle then sprint 2X

High Hang Cleans - I did my first round with just the 45 lbs bar, second round at 50 lbs, ad third round at 55mph.  These are starting in jump position hold bar at waist, jump up while simultaneously bring bar up to collar bone height to rest with elbows out front as you land back in in a squat then stand up. Lower bar and repeat. We did 3 at each weight.

Next some cardio.  Our series was 
400 meter run, 25 squats, 25 burpees.  I completed in time of 4 minutes 47 seconds.  We had 9 minutes to fix series.

The we went in to Tabata style intervals.  These are 4 minute workouts that consist of 20 seconds of going as hard as you can then 10 rest, repeat for the 4 minute duration or 8 cycles.  

First 8 cycles of exercise were abs on the domed ab mat.  We started laying on floor back on mat, feet close to butt, and arms extend out over head. You sit up bring arms overhead and reaching beyond toes on floor.  I did a total of 89 of these sit ups.

Next cycle was squats.  These were butt below knee level squats then back up.  If you hit a number in a round then that was your number or less for the remaining rounds.  I hit 16 squats in first round, 15 in second, 14 in third, then held at 13 squats for each of the last 5 rounds.

After that I rolled a little on the foam roller and called it an awesome workout morning!

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