Thursday, April 12, 2012

Modified Tabata Combos

Yesterday was my usual Wednesday Mad Abs and Dirty 30 classes at Pura Vida Club.  They are 30 minute classes that absolutely kick your butt.  When walking out of Dirty 30, two guys behind me walking down the stairs comment on how tough the class is and how much it pushed them.

One of the class participants yesterday that made me work harder was a guy on his first day back from having a collapsed lung.  We were doing the triceps round and he was sitting it out.  Just thinking he was tired I said come on you've got this.  That's when he showed me scar and told me it was his first day back.  Let me just tell you that watching him do the up and overs on the step, you'd never know he was recovering from collapsed lung.  I told myself if he can go that fast then I have to go faster and work harder.

So here's the workout that is modified Tabata and we did two rounds.  You do first exercise for 20 seconds, got straight into second exercise for 20 seconds, then rest for 20 seconds.  Equipment you need: Bosu ball, step on high risers (we had stacks of four on each side), and either a 10-pound or 25-pound plate.

You do 4 rounds of each combo for a total of four minutes at each station.  Then repeat for a second time.

Combo 1 with Bosu ball:
Bosu burpees with push up (flat side of Bosu faces up, ball side down)
Deck squats (ball side up, lay on ball, roll up to low squat then stand up, then back down to start position)

Combo 2 with weight plate:
Plate squat press (squat with plate then press plate straight overhead as you stand up then back down)

One arm row (1st & 3rd round with right arm, 2nd & 4th round with left arm)

Combo 3 on step:
Tricep dips (legs fully extended)
Up and overs (going up and over steps - not length-wise - as fast as you can)

Get through all three combos twice and you are done!

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