Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Obliques On Ball & 3 Tier Dirty 30

Today was my usual Wednesday Mad Abs and Dirty 30 classes at Pura Vida Club.  Today Cyndie had us use the ball for almost the entire class.  I loved two moves that work the obliques.  For the first one lay on your back with lower legs on top of ball.  Arms are flat either by your side or out in a T position. Simply rotate legs over to one side then back to center and rotate to other side. Do this for 30 to 60 seconds.  It's a great warm up move or stretch.  The other is a Russian twist.  Lay on the ball at shoulder blade level.  Feet of the floor and flat from shoulders to knees.  Extend arms and clasp hands. Rotate hands to one side turning fully so shoulders stack, trying to keep hips squared, then back to center and over to other side.  Do this for a minute.  Both are great moves for obliques.

In Dirty 30, Tim did a little different workout today.  It was just 3 exercises. Push as hard as you can in the first set.  Here's the workout:

400 meters (.5 mile) - Can do on treadmill, elliptical, or rowing.  I elected to run.
40 squat presses with 10 pound weights
40 ViPR pushes (it's sort of a bear crawl pushing the weighed ViPR tube)

200 meters
20 squat presses
20 ViPR pushes

100 meters
10 squat presses
10 ViPR pushes

I did all my running in the 7:30-8 minute pace and actually finished all three sets in under 20 minutes.  Tough, effective, and quick!

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