Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How A 3-4 Miler Turned Into 8

Just going to call myself out right now....I went over double what I'd plan to run/hike because I got caught up in scenery, accidentally went off trail and had to go down a mountain bike trail, and paying for not taking enough water. It's okay to laugh at me right now.  I've already laughed at myself.

So here's the story of my workout adventure.  I was at Matthews Winters Park for a shoot today.  Since I hadn't run the trails, I took along my workout gear.  I glanced at the trail map thinking I'll just do a 45 minute out and back to get in 3-4 miles.

Off I go on the Village Walk then Red Rocks Trail.  The trail is easy to navigate with some rocky spots.  There's not much shade though.

I got to a spot with an amazing view.  It was place where hiking and biking trails convergence.  So captivated by the view, of course I headed out on the cliff the started down.  Well that was my mistake.

While navigating where the trail was I realized I had gotten on the mountain bike trail going down the hill.  So I decided to go all in and just side step and step and slide my way down the rocky terrain.

When I hit the road and end of the Red Rocks Trail, I decided to keep going since I was so close to the Red Rocks Amphitheater.  Plus I figured they would have water fountains where I could re-fill my water bottle.

I approached the amphitheater on the backside.  There was one spot where I ventured up through the rocks then kept going on the road down to the Trading Post then back up to the stairs that just seemed to keep going and going.  Up I went to the top of the amphitheater.

Unfortunately for me there's a lot of construction so the Visitor Center wasn't open and water fountains weren't working. Time to ration the water I had left and head back.

On the way back I stayed on the right trail and realized how I made my mountain bike plunge trail mistake.

The alternative mountain bike route is on the left.  Should have stayed on trail to right.
Did a little more hiking than running on the way back but covered 8 miles....way more than the 3-4 miles I'd planned to do.  Oh well, sometimes you just have to get lost in the setting and just go.

1 comment:

  1. This seems to be a metaphor for life! We go out into the world with a plan, then we get lost, and then somehow we end up finding a trail home.

    It reminds me of a great quote:

    We do not receive wisdom, we must discover it for ourselves, after a journey through the wilderness which no one else can make for us. ~Marcel Proust
