Thursday, May 3, 2012

Working The ViPR Outside

Today was high intensity intervals and weights with Cristina at Pura Vida Club.  We added an extra 30 minutes today to get some great cardio and strength exercises in.  Cristina knows I like to workout outside so as I as I got there we headed out to the top of the parking garage.  After a little jump rope to warm up, I quickly found out the ViPR was my workout partner today.  I actually really love working out the weight tubes.  Exercises outside were 30 seconds then rest 30 seconds with the exception of flipping the ViPR.  That one was 10 reps on one side then 10 on the other.  I did 3 rounds of everything including ViPR shuffle with press and ViPR lunge with press.

Then we headed inside for some weight work including what I'll call an upside push up and box slow one leg squat.

Here's a quick look at five of the exercises I did today if you want to try them.

Intervals, weights, abs, and stretching all in an hour.....this was a jam-packed work your butt off one hour session.  

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