Sunday, May 13, 2012

Smallest Efforts Have Biggest Impact

Three days in a row I've done yoga....that might be a record for me!  With the dreary weather yesterday I didn't feel like running or hiking, so off I went to take Hot Power Fusion at the Highlands location of Core Power Yoga.  It's smaller than the Broadway location I've been going to but I like the cozy feel.

I walk into the yoga studio and it's packed with women.  This was the first class I'd taken that was all women.  There was one spot all the way across the room by the window.  So I trudged through the sea of mats, water bottles, towels, and women stretching, relaxing, and chatting to that window spot.  Somehow three more ladies squeezed in the room after me.

In a room full of women, in walks Anders, our yoga guide for the next 60 minutes.  Being a person who loves to laugh and smile, I was hooked on his class as soon as he said to do this class you must start with a smile.  Then he quickly moved us through an hour of postures and holds.  I really enjoyed how the class went from doing 30 to 45 second holds to movements that flowed with your breath of one movement with one breath.  For example, inhale as you extend arms overhead, exhale as you bend forward, inhale as you come halfway up, exhale as you extend hands back to ground (yes I still have a ways to go to get my hands flat on the ground but I'll get there!).

I wish I could remember a quote that Anders said in class.  It had to do with the smallest efforts have the biggest impact.  Even in the stillness of moments like when you are in savasana (corpse pose) you are reaping big benefits.  A moment of total relaxation allows your body, mind, and soul a chance to regroup, rebuild, and recharge.  For my crazy, stressful life those moments are invaluable!

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