Sunday, May 20, 2012

Intervals & Weights

Thursday was a one hour session with Cristina of intervals and weights.  It was my first push hard workout since tweaking my back and taking two full days off.  I started with sprints of 30 seconds running, 30 seconds off of treadmill.  I did 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5 and 9mph sprints.  The goal was to push but not go all out and if back hurt at all stop.  I did fine.  Then she shifted me over to alternating assisted pull ups and lunge step ups.  From there it was on to triceps pulls and weighted leg side lifts.  I really liked alternating upper and lower body in exercise pairs.  Here's that set of exercises.

Next it was on to biceps then a few things with the ViPR.  One of those moves I felt my back so had to modify slightly the alternating swing ViPR squat to overhead press to other side.  It's a move that I've done before with a swing squat, lift, and hop but didn't do the hop because of back.  Last was stretching and I was done for the day.

It was nice to push but not over do it!   

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