Sunday, May 13, 2012

What If Your Someday Is Now

What if your someday is now?  You're probably wondering what does that have to do with fitness.  Well, a lot for me today.

I took my fifth yoga class in 5 days at CorePower Yoga.  My friend Heather met me at the Highlands location to take CorePower Yoga 2 - Heated Power Yoga.  Here's the description of the class from CorePower Yoga website:  "Ready to sweat? CorePower Yoga 2 (C2) is a rigorous yoga class with demanding strength postures that will have you moving, breathing and sweating! True to its name, a C2 class focuses on building and engaging your core strength to support you in more advanced postures. Set to energizing music in a heated, climate-controlled room, CorePower Yoga 2 strengthens, balances, detoxifies and exhilarates the body and mind. "This class torches calories" – Shape Magazine"

Tiffany taught the class.  Right off the bat she said, "This hour is for you."  That came full circle near the end of class with her statement, "You gave yourself this gift."

Being a meteorologist, journalist, writer, and blogger I like story-telling with a beginning, middle, and end so these two simple lines or thoughts resonated so much with me.  I often look at my workouts as something I do for myself, a priority for my sanity, and a chance to check out for an hour.  Guess I'd never really thought of it as a gift to myself, but during the class it became so obvious to me that yes it is a gift to me.  Flowing through the postures and movements, I realized I gave myself the gift to sweat, detox, stretch out muscles, better align myself, re-center physically and emotionally.  I also realized later that I gave the gift of fitness, health and well-being to my friend Heather, as she did to me today.  Both of us said if the other one would have bailed then we would have too.  So glad neither of us bailed.

Not long into the class, when we were holding a pose, Tiffany also shared with us that she moved this week.  Yesterday she was unpacking and pulled out a magnet that said something like, "What if your someday is now."  I couldn't get that out of my head for the rest of class.....what someday is now.  Someday I'll meet Mr. Right, someday I'll travel around the world, someday I'll reach my goal to travel to all 50 states (7 to go), someday my Swept Away will be a huge success, someday I'll climb Kilimanjaro....someday, someday, someday.  Trust me I've got a lot of somedays.

There was one moment in the class, when we were in chair position with right arm wrapped under left, hands touching in front of face and right leg lifted up, over and wrapped around the left leg, that I saw in the mirror a steady drip of sweat falling from my right elbow.  Same thing happened with the left elbow when we switched to the other side.  Totally zoning out on those sweat droplets that looked like rain droplets (fitting for a gloomy foggy and misty Sunday morning), I realized my someday that is now is pretty darn good.  I see that in the moments captured in pictures and video and on live tv of laughter, smiles and happiness.  It's great to have dreams and goals, but I'm one lucky girl....who's doing her best to be a yogi-in-training in her someday that is now.

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