Yesterday I did CrossFit with my friends Melissa and Carl. Now this wasn't just any CrossFit......this was
CrossFit Low Oxygen. It's located in Frisco, Colorado that is at an elevation of 9,042 feet. Denver's elevation is 5,280 feet.
The Saturday morning class is full with about 30 folks of all different fitness levels. Brothers Dave and Brent, both ridiculous fit, lead us through an intense workout that involved 100 reps per exercise, 200 meter runs in between exercises, and unexpected burpee breaks. Oh how I hate burpees! When the music went off the signal the burpee break, you could hear the collective UGH! from everyone in the class.
We worked out in groups of three so I did mine with Melissa and Carl. The 100 reps of each exercise was split up between the teams, how ever you wanted to get to 100. All three members of group had to do each run....which had a twist. These were weighted 200 meter runs with medicine balls and sand bags.
We had a few minutes to come up with our game plan of how to get through the W.O.D or Workout of the Day.
We decided to start with pull ups to get the hardest one out of the way first. Instead of each getting a third of the 100 done in one fail swoop we rotated doing reps of 10 or less.
I really love that on the wall behind the pull up bar is the word, "Breathe." That's a challenge in and of itself working out at over 9,000 feet!
I used a band to assist me in pull ups. With some shoulder issues I don't do a lot of pull ups.
Then off on the 200 meter run carrying a medicine ball. Yes, not fun! We alternated carrying medicine balls and a sandbag during the runs in between each exercise.
For the Medicine Ball Walking Lunges, you had to hold the medicine ball overhead as you lunged. I went first and decided to go ahead and knock out 34 so I was done. Melissa and Carl alternated until we hit 100.
We did switch the abs and box steps. For the Medicine Ball Sit Ups, two people had to do these together. Sitting on ground with feet touching, both go back to lay on ground with arms overhead, one person has the ball, who then sits up and tosses it over to the other person. Carl and I started. I did 20 then Melissa jumped in. When Carl hit 30, I jumped back in and all three of us alternated from there to hit 100.
For the Sandbag Box Step Ups, with a sandbag on your shoulders, you had to step up on a box then down. We alternated doing 10-15 reps until we hit 100.
Next was the D-ball Slams. You start with medicine ball overhead, slam it to the ground, and pick it up a couple of inches from ground when you are in the bottom of the squat. We alternated doing 10 reps until hitting 100.
For the Sandbag Push Presses, you start in a mini squat, elbows out in front of you, holding sandbag at shoulder level then press up to full extension. We alternated doing 10 reps each until we hit 100.
Finishing the last run was a fabulous way to complete a tough Saturday morning workout.
Post-workout Pic at CrossFit Low Oxygen |
Of course I was exercising and filming. So here are some clips from the CrossFit Low Oxygen W.O.D. on Saturday, June 23, 2012.