Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Sprints, Upper Body & Core

Today was intervals and weights with Cristina at Pura Vida Club.  We started with springs of course!  After a quick warm up, then minute run at 6mph, I did 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9.5mph, and 10mph 30 second sprints with no problem.  During my 10.5mph sprint I felt my right hamstring tighten up.  I decided to go ahead and try 11mph but at 18 seconds into the 30 second sprint my hamstring said no and I quickly bailed off treadmill.  Cristina had planned for me to do box jumps and other leg exercises but did a change of plans on the fly.

Instead we focused on arms and core.  I started with alternating 12 assisted pull-ups and what I can the caterpillar crawl for 15 hands forward then 15 hands back.  I did three sets of each.

Another exercise set was 12 chest presses with crunches on the ball followed by 14 opposite leg and arm lifts in plank.  The plank move looked easy but I quickly found out it is tough really focusing on balance and core strength.  As soon as I was done with three rounds of that set, I told Cristina that I obviously needed to do those because they were tough.

I also 12 chest wide bar pulls with 12 weighted leg kicks.  When Cristina was setting up the weights for the leg move, I said "5 pounds?!?!?!" She said just try it.  Well it was actually 7.5 pounds and I quickly found out why she went light weight.  Balancing on a bent leg with weighted leg bent and off ground, then kick forward extending leg from knee down isn't easy!

Here's a look at those exercises so you can try them too.

With the hamstring flare up I got a little extra stretch time on it.  Yes I give in.  I'm going to Airrosti to get it worked on.

Let's Do Opposites

Yesterday was my usual Monday Kinesis and Pilates session with Erin at Pura Vida Club.  After a jump rope warm-up, Erin said let's do opposites today.  She incorporated the Move Chair with the Kinesis cables.

Here's one of the moves of opposites.  While pressing the chair's pedal down, I did a double arm row.  Working opposites means full body workout.  It may look easy but keep the balance and form are tough.

This was my last session with Erin before my 40th, exactly one week from today.  While we were in the Kinesis room she let me know how proud she was of me for sticking with it for a year.....not quite there but close.  With fitness goals, a lot of folks get frustrated, get busy, get lazy, or just give up.  Not me.  She knew I was determined to see this through and that's exactly what I'm doing.  Sure is nice when someone let's you know he or she is proud of you.  Erin has been so motivating to me through this year.  I'm certainly lucky to have her as a trainer and a friend.  Of course she knows this quest doesn't just end on Tuesday.  I'm going to have to come up with the next challenge to go after.

After we did about 40 minutes of Pilates infused Kinesis we headed in to the Pilates studio for jump board fun.  That's 3 minute series of double and single legs jumps on the reformer.  An example is jump board with feet parallel for one minute, next minute feet in V position, and third minute alternating feet together and wide.  That's 3 minutes with no breaks.  Since we were doing opposites, Pilates was more of a cardio Pilates.

Monday, June 25, 2012

What Is It You Choose Today?

After a tough CrossFit workout Saturday with CrossFit Low Oxygen, I so needed a yoga session yesterday.  Plus I'm super stressed with a lot to do and not enjoy time.  Let's just say the tension in my neck is well a pain in the neck!  The 2pm class at Core Power Yoga Highlands location is a CorePower 1.  It's in a warm room and a little slower than the CorePower 2.  I enjoy it because it is a great chance for me to really focus on form and connecting moves to breath.

As today's class started, the instructor Cara said "What is it you choose today?"  Here we go I thought, that's my keyed in phrase of the class.  Then she said if you choose compassion for yourself at in point in class, feel free to go into Child's Pose.  That would be the first pose starting with a "C" that would stand out to me in class.

Starting the class in Child's Pose, gave me a moment to let it all go and realize I was right where I needed to be.  Spiritually, emotionally, physically, and stress level wise I needed to be in that class.
Child's Pose
Photo courtesy Core Power Yoga

The next "C" pose was Crow.  This is a tough one and extremely challenging for me.  Today was the first time since I started going to Core Power Yoga at least once a week since early May that I could hold the pose.  It wasn't for long but I got it.  Everything just clicked for me and I challenged myself to get Crow Pose.

Crow Pose
Photo courtesy Core Power Yoga
The third "C" pose was Camel.  I can actually do this pose, but because it opens up your heart, I'm often flooded with emotions and sometimes a little dizzy coming out of this pose.  But the clarity that suddenly replaces that overwhelming emotional floodgate is simply cool to me.

Camel Pose
Photo courtesy VeganBodyBuilding.com
So what did I choose today?  I chose compassion, challenge and clarity all wrapped up in a 60 minute yoga class.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

CrossFit Low Oxygen

Yesterday I did CrossFit with my friends Melissa and Carl.  Now this wasn't just any CrossFit......this was CrossFit Low Oxygen.  It's located in Frisco, Colorado that is at an elevation of 9,042 feet.  Denver's elevation is 5,280 feet.

The Saturday morning class is full with about 30 folks of all different fitness levels.  Brothers Dave and Brent, both ridiculous fit, lead us through an intense workout that involved 100 reps per exercise, 200 meter runs in between exercises, and unexpected burpee breaks.  Oh how I hate burpees!  When the music went off the signal the burpee break, you could hear the collective UGH! from everyone in the class.

We worked out in groups of three so I did mine with Melissa and Carl.  The 100 reps of each exercise was split up between the teams, how ever you wanted to get to 100.  All three members of group had to do each run....which had a twist.  These were weighted 200 meter runs with medicine balls and sand bags.

We had a few minutes to come up with our game plan of how to get through the W.O.D or Workout of the Day.

We decided to start with pull ups to get the hardest one out of the way first.  Instead of each getting a third of the 100 done in one fail swoop we rotated doing reps of 10 or less.

I really love that on the wall behind the pull up bar is the word, "Breathe."  That's a challenge in and of itself working out at over 9,000 feet!

I used a band to assist me in pull ups.  With some shoulder issues I don't do a lot of pull ups.

Then off on the 200 meter run carrying a medicine ball. Yes, not fun!  We alternated carrying medicine balls and a sandbag during the runs in between each exercise.

For the Medicine Ball Walking Lunges, you had to hold the medicine ball overhead as you lunged.  I went first and decided to go ahead and knock out 34 so I was done.  Melissa and Carl alternated until we hit 100.

We did switch the abs and box steps.  For the Medicine Ball Sit Ups, two people had to do these together.  Sitting on ground with feet touching, both go back to lay on ground with arms overhead, one person has the ball, who then sits up and tosses it over to the other person.  Carl and I started.  I did 20 then Melissa jumped in.  When Carl hit 30, I jumped back in and all three of us alternated from there to hit 100.

For the Sandbag Box Step Ups, with a sandbag on your shoulders, you had to step up on a box then down.  We alternated doing 10-15 reps until we hit 100.

Next was the D-ball Slams.  You start with medicine ball overhead, slam it to the ground, and pick it up a couple of inches from ground when you are in the bottom of the squat.  We alternated doing 10 reps until hitting 100.

For the Sandbag Push Presses, you start in a mini squat, elbows out in front of you, holding sandbag at shoulder level then press up to full extension.  We alternated doing 10 reps each until we hit 100.

Finishing the last run was a fabulous way to complete a tough Saturday morning workout.
Post-workout Pic at CrossFit Low Oxygen
Of course I was exercising and filming. So here are some clips from the CrossFit Low Oxygen W.O.D. on Saturday, June 23, 2012.

Starting Day With Protein Drink

Three days in row with no big workout. Yes starting to get antsy, but know I have a tough workout coming Saturday.  Sometimes you just don't have time or you are just really tired and that's been me for three days in a row.

Made some changes to my diet this week and Friday was my fifth day in a row of starting day with drinking a protein shake/drink within 30 minutes of waking up.  When I did a mountain biking clinic in Breckenridge last Friday, my friend Annie told me it didn't matter what time I get up but I have to get a protein shake or drink down within 30 minutes of getting up.  Now I usually do eat something or drink a protein shake but have been doing it about 2 hours after waking up.  So changing the routine!  Annie also reps VEMMA and I'm giving those products a try.  If I could look even half as fit as her I'll be happy!

Zero Time Thursday

Thursday I had a lunch meeting in Boulder.  With traffic really bad on the way back to Denver I didn't get home until almost 4pm and was completely wiped out.  No workout for me.

Walkin' Wednesday

Wednesday I had planned to take Mad Abs and Dirty 30 at Pura Vida like I try to do every Wednesday but my plans changed on a dime.  I'm selling a car and had a chance to get it loaded on a truck.  Of course the truck was 2.5 hours late and that ate up my workout time.

So I just did an walk with my dog to take advantage of a cooler day.  We got a one day break from the heat in Denver.  So just walking and stretching for me.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Constant Climber, Renegade Rows....Great Weight Intervals

Yesterday was intervals and weights with Cristina.  I usually workout with Cristina on Thursdays but had to change because of a lunch meeting this week.  In the session I hit the ground running....literally.  After quick warm up it was into sprints.  These are 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off at 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, and 11mph.  I was really pumped that I only did 30 second rest before the 11mph sprint.  Sometime I'll take 40-45 second before that one.

I didn't get much of a break before hitting the Constant Climber machine to do oblique pull downs for 40 seconds on each side.  These were paired with 10 box squats on each leg.

Then to renegade rows and what I'll call weighted side hops.  The second one is actually to help me with form.  With lunges I tend to turn my toes in slightly instead of pointing toes straight ahead, so these hops are suppose to help hip flexors fire better so I don't turn in.  Those rows are tough to do with weights that roll!  I did 20 renegade rows (alternating 10 on each side) and 10 weighted side hops on each leg.

One other set was biceps and triceps.  As Cristina said when I did a drop set to exhaustion on biceps, "Your biceps need a little love"....in other words they need a lot of work to be ripped!  Those alternated with overhead tricep push downs, which I actually went up on weight with each set.  Got to do 12 of each for the three sets, until the last set of biceps when Cristina dropped the weight and made me keep going with bicep curls to exhaustion.

With the exercise pairs, you do both exercises for 3 sets with minimal rest between sets.

Here's a quick look at how to do the exercises.  Have fun!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Great Stretch With Foam Roller Twist

Today I was my usual Kinesis and Pilates session with Erin at Pura Vida Club.  In between my schedule and her vacation, it's been a month since we've had a session.  I was psyched to get back into my normal Monday routine.

We definitely jumped back into with lots of cable work and intervals in Kinesis.  In Pilates we spent a lot of time on the reformer doing everything from the Pilates Hundred to lots of hip and leg work.

Since I do a good amount of cardio my hamstrings, IT bands, and hip flexors tend to be tight, so Erin had me do this great stretch on the foam roller.  I'm definitely adding it in to my at-home stretches.

Here's Erin explaining how to do the stretch.

Father's Day Run

Father's Day is one of the hardest days of the year for me.  Last time I saw my dad before he passed was Father's Day two years ago.  So after tears after waking up, I did something I hadn't done in a long time - run for coffee.  I used to do it all the time when I worked a night shift.

Runs are therapeutic for me and this one certainly was.  I just went about 3 miles on the Cherry Creek Bike Path.  It was a warm and sunny morning so the path was busy with folks running, walking, and biking.

Even though it was crowded I was still able to get lost in my tunes and use the time to think through some things.  Luckily I had a very busy day ahead of me with plans to head back to Keystone for the rest of the TBEX conference.  As I was running I thought how my dad would want me to keep moving forward....one step at a time, remembering that nothing happens overnight and with hard work the good things will come.

Still miss him dearly but know he's with me every step of the way, even running down the bike path.

No Time Saturday

With the TBEX conference in Keystone and covering the PM weather shift, there was zero time for a workout.  Took it as a busy rest day.

Mountain Biking With Backcountry Babes

Friday I did a mountain biking clinic in Breckenridge with Backcountry Babes.  They are holding a women's clinic July 7-8 and I got a mini-lesson as I shot an upcoming Explore Colorado segment.  I learned so much in just a couple of hours.

We started on grass, then went on a mini course, then off on a trail.  It was such a fun afternoon of learning and riding.

Lots of Lunges

Last Thursday was intervals and weights with Cristina at Pura Vida Club.  Instead of coaching me through and time watching, Cristina ran the sprints with me.  I love it when a trainer jumps in and does some of the exercises with me.  We did 30 second on, 30 seconds off at 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, and 10.5 mph. Then off to do some weight sets including the constant climb machine.  Never done that one...and certainly felt it through the weekend.  I think Cristina was on a lunge kick Thursday because I certainly had to do a ton!

Here are some the exercises including:  Lunges with ViPR Twist, Side Lunges with Weights, Constant Climber, and Bosu Lunges with Overhead Press.

Have fun trying these at the gym!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Push The Circuit

Today I made it the the Mad Abs and Dirty 30 classes at Pura Vida Club that I love to take on Wednesdays but hadn't been able to make in a couple of weeks.  There was no ease back in to class with Mad Abs class set up in circuit style.  So I jumped in and pushed hard for an hour.

Here's the set up for the Mad Abs class that Cyndie taught:

Burpees with weights (I did mine with 10 lbs)
Back Raises on the ball
Side twist with bands
Crunches with body bar
Side crunches on Bosu ball

Each exercise was for a minute (if side then switched at 30 seconds).  We did 3 rounds of all exercises.

That was just the beginning....Dirty 30 included burpees, of course!  But the burpees had a twist.

Here's the breakdown:

Front Lunges - 20 each leg
Squats - 20
Tuck Jumps - 20
Reverse Lunges - 20 each leg

Medicine Ball Chops - 15 each side  Using weighted medicine ball, start with ball to one side raised up over a shoulder, then slide or chop the ball across your body to the outside of the opposite hip as you squat slightly.

ViPR Push - across room and back  The ViPR is a weighted tube.  You basically bear crawl on your hands and feet as you alternate hands to push the weighted tube across the floor.  I started with the heaviest one for the first round but dropped to a lighter one for the other two.

Nasty Thing - 15 reps  Okay I laughed when Tim wrote it on mirrors.  It should be caused burpees that make you cuss.  Start in push up position, row one arm, push up, row other arm, push up, jump feet to hands, stand up,  extend arms overhead, then return to start position.  Here's the kicker....do these with weights.  First round I did 8 pound weights, but for other two rounds dropped to 5 pound weights.

I got through almost three rounds before the 30 minute class ended.  I was in to my third round of my last set of Nasty Thing and finished five.  I was bound and determined to finish three rounds so I kept going and finished the last 8 of the set.

Pushed it and got it done!

Smoke Made Run A No Go

I only had a small window to get a quick run in between work and hair appointment.  Northwest winds brought a thick layer of smoke from the High Park Fire back over Denver.  So I used the 30 minutes I'd carved out for a run to try to tackle some emails and catch up a little.

So guess I got smoked out and took a rest day.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Race To The Mat...To Let It Go

Apparently yoga is therapy, or at least for me it is.  I went to a different Core Power Yoga location today. I was going to take a noon class but wasn't able to get out of work in time.  When I checked the CPY website I found a 3:30pm Core Power 1 class.  Perfect for me today!

As we started class, the instructor Jessi was talking about racing to the mat as a metaphor to life.  That's definitely me.  Yes I race to yoga so I can have a moment to breathe, relax, recharge, and renew.  Kind of ironic but that's the way it works for me.

A few minutes later she said breathe in and then as you breathe out, let it go.  As I put the two simple lines together in my head and focused on those during the class I found the heart of why I enjoy Core Power Yoga.  Yes I race to the mat just so I can let it go.  

I'd originally started going to increase flexibility and use it as a supplemental workout to my other cardio and strength workouts.  What I've found is that no classes are the same and that the classes are not just a physical workout for me but also an emotional and in a sense spiritual moment for me as I ponder over thoughts and ideas.

In a couple of the classes and in the mine today, instructors have said when we're in an inverted position about how those positions can give you a different perspective.  It's so true.  As I walk out of each class I have a different perspective on something going on in my life.

So like today, I go to yoga to get a new perspective and challenge myself through the postures in a hot room. It really is detoxing and yet renewing at the same time as you sweat through the postures.  In the 60 minutes of class, something changes and there's some sort of different perspective at the end.

Yes, I race to the mat....to let it go. 


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Would Rather Be Hiking

I was suppose to go on a great hike with Outside in Aspen today but my dog was having major tummy issues late last night and early this morning.  So I decided it was best to head back to Denver instead of doing a 4 hour plus hike then driving back.

Bummed I didn't do hike but it definitely gives me a great reason to get back to Aspen soon!

Casting A Line On The Roaring Fork

Yesterday was a fly fishing excursion with Outside in Aspen.  I had a blast fly fishing the Roaring Fork River with Aspen Outfitting.  We did do plenty of climbing up and down the river banks as we went for great fishing spots on the river.

I had a blast casting a line trying to hook some big trout.

After that I spent some time walking around Aspen with friends.

Travel Day to Aspen

Friday was a long day of work and travel to Aspen for Outside In Aspen.  I'd hope to get in a quick walk or hike but it didn't happen.

Intervals & 2 Sets Weights

Thursday was my intervals and weights training session with Cristina at Pura Vida Club.  I went in really tired but was still able to push in the workout.  I started with sprints at 7.0 mph and increased .5 mph with each sprint.  These were 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off the treadmill.  Because I was tired I only went to 10.0 mph.  During sprints we laughed because with my crazy schedule, workouts are my therapy!

Then it was in to weights.  Cristina had me do exercises in sets.  Some counts were 12 and some were 6 depending on the move.

One set of 12 was lunges with row.  That was followed with ViPR push ups.  These were 6 on each side of putting one hand on the ViPR and other on the floor for push ups.

Another set was triceps pull downs with side lunge for 12 followed by Bosa Ball leg lifts of 6 on each side.

Here are the great gym moves.

National Running Day

Wednesday was National Running Day so instead of heading to the gym, I hit the trail at Wash Park.  As I was changing I realized I had forgotten socks.  Oh well I thought and decided to go run sockless.

With tunes going I had a great first lap.  There is some construction and restoration at the park which forces you to get off the trail at a few spots.  Navigating trail and off-trail made me feel like I was running cross country in high school again.

As I was running second and third lap I had to do a little work and emails because of the stormy weather that was coming later that day.  Yes I was running and watching clouds build, emailing and tweeting along the way for about 7.5 miles.

Easy Dog Walk

After several jam packed days, Tuesday was a little bit of a crash day for me.  After work and a luncheon I just took my dog for a nice easy walk.

Thrills in Royal Gorge

Monday I had a super long work day.  Right after newscast, I headed to Royal Gorge.  It was my first visit to the Gorge.  They recently opened the Soaring Eagle Zip Line.  You zipping along at 1,122 feet above the Arkansas River.  You zip line backwards for 700 feet, then forward 700 feet on a zip line that parallels one side of the Gorge.

With the gusty winds, walking across the bridge was a challenge.  I have to admit I definitely got the willies walking on the wood planks and peaking through the slats at the Arkansas River as the bridge swayed in the wind.

Keep in mind that I'm afraid of heights but I do try to challenge myself to face that fear.  With the Royal Rush Skycoaster, the scariest skycoaster in the world, I was certainly doing that.  In a harness they pull you up 100 feet in the air.  You pull the cord the soar at 50 mph 60 feet out over the Royal Gorge.  Then you just swing back and forth out over the Gorge.  Definitely a rush!

Not sure how much of a workout this counts for but considering I didn't get home until almost 5pm, I was 100% wiped out.

Hiking To Glenwood Springs Fish Hatchery

Last Sunday was a great easy hike with my cousins.  We did a great hike that took us through ranch land that is close to Storm King Mountain, where there was a huge wildfire in 1994.  As we walked on a very warm sunny morning, it was so fun to watch the kids kick around a soccer ball, check out the scenery, feed horses then feed the fish at the Glenwood Springs fish hatchery.

It was about 2 miles to the hatchery so we did a nice outing of about 4 miles.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Fairy Caverns & Vapor Caves

Yesterday was a fun day of going underground.  In the morning, we headed back up to the Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park to ride a few rides then go on the Fairy Caverns Tour.  On that tour you go about 200 feet below ground to an amazing cavern room called King's Row.  

After the tour and a little more park fun, we headed to lunch then the Glenwood Hot Springs, which were packed.

Then two of my cousins and I headed over to the Yampa Spa & Vapor Caves.  We started first with mineral baths using water from the hot springs.  Then I enjoyed an hour massage, which I desperately needed to work out some kinks and just to plain ole relax.  After the massage, I joined my cousins in the vapor caves, which are geothermal steam baths.  Water at 125 degrees flows from the hot springs into the caves to naturally create a steam bath environment where the temperatures stays in the 110-112 degrees range.  You go in for 10-15 minutes sittings then back out to a cooling room or relaxation room.  Then head back into the steam.  The Ute Indians regarded the caves as a sacred place of healing and rejuvenation. 


Wild Time at Glenwood Caverns

After driving to Glenwood Springs Friday, some of my cousins and I went wild in the Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park.  I know - not exactly a tough workout but we did a lot of walking and of course holding on tight on some of the rides.

The craziest one I did was the Giant Canyon Swing that goes 48mph, pulls 3Gs, and is 1300 feet above the Colorado River at its highest point.  

We also walked to and from dinner so got in at least a mile there!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Get 'Er Done Intervals

Yesterday I had a one hour intervals and weights session with Cristina at Pura Vida Club.  I text Cristina right before session asking if we were going outside.  YES! I got back.  Ok here we go I thought - one hour of sprints, hops, lunges, shuffles, and other moves that made me tweet out afterward that the new name of my sessions with Cristina are officially called "kick Jen's booty hour."

We did start indoors for sprints.  I'm better at sprints on treadmill so I can watch speed and time.  So after a quick warm up, I was off and running sprints at 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, and 11mph.  I did 30 seconds at each miles per hour then 30 seconds off before going on to the faster speed.

After sprints, we headed outside for some top of the parking garage fun.  First up was set of lunges with ViPR row and shuffles with Cristina adding resistance to the band that was around my waist.  I did 10 lunges with 20 swings and 10 shuffles each side for three sets.

Another series was leg hops over small hurtles and bicep curls.  I did 10 hops then straight in to 12 bicep curls for three sets.

The toughest one for me was the lift of a 24 pound ViPR.  That was followed by jumps over a small hurtle.    Cristina had me do 4 lifts of the ViPR (using 4 small lifts up and down) then 10 jumps.

Here's a look at some of the intervals.

Quick Jog Wednesday

Somehow I watched my workout time Wednesday just whittle away.  I'd planned to take the noon Mad Abs and 12:30pm Dirty 30 classes at Pura Vida.  But the weather was so nice that I decided I would get in a run at Wash Park.  Well, when I didn't get out of work until after noon, I decided I was hungry and headed home for lunch with intention of a nice run later in the day after lunch and working on blogs.

When I put on my Ipod late afternoon for what I thought would be a nice 45 minute to hour jog....FAIL!  Ipod was dead.  So my workout got crunched down to a quick 30 minute jog.  Oh well, guess the long workout just wasn't meant to be.