Saturday, March 10, 2012

Going For The Bumps

I've never tried skiing moguls and yesterday was my day to attempt them.  Mary Jane at Winter Park is known as the bumps capital of the United States.  Skiing the bumps is technical, intimidating, and just plan ole hard.  Keep in mind that Mary Jane's motto is "No Pain, No Jane."

I headed with instructor JT Thompson along with my friends Nancy and Catrina, who were helping me film the adventure.

I really like JT's moguls lesson that was in and out of bumps.  Technically he's the best instructor or guide that I've had.  He really broke down my skiing and got me really good on blue runs then progressing into the moguls.

First moguls run I tried at Winter Park was Jabber Rabbit (it's part of Jabberwocky and White Rabbit runs).  JT just took me straight across the bumps going back and forth across the run instead of straight down.  This was were I felt a little broken and very intimidated by those bumps.  I couldn't figure out why it wasn't clicking.  So out of the bumps we went and he really helped straighten up my posture, getting me to press shins more into the boots, upper body up and legs relaxed.  I loved his BOB term for posture - booty over boots.  In moguls straight posture is essential.
Got down first bumps with no falls!
The thing that clicked with me post was when JT had me hold my poles halfway down, arms out straight making what he called a Hollywood picture frame.  That helped keep my upper body up straight and lower body moved with the mountain.  I've heard repeatedly when out skiing, let the mountain do the work.  With this drill I finally got what that is suppose to feel like.  Up until this point I've been athletic enough to get myself down the mountain and getting better each time I ski.  But this lesson just propelled me to a point where I can tackle steeper slopes and harder terrain like moguls.

We did a few more blues and short moguls runs then headed up to the top of Mary Jane.  I had a blast skiing moguls on Mary Jane and it was there that I felt like I was truly skiing my first moguls run going around, in between, and down the moguls.

A lot of people told me to expect to fall a lot.  Well I didn't fall once during my lesson.  I truly credit JT for that.  He skied beside me, sometimes holding my hand or arm, in front of me creating a line for me to follow, and beside me cheering me on then smiling while the light bulb went off in my head and I got it.

Can't wait to attempt moguls again!

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