Monday, March 19, 2012

Take The Pain Thursday

Thursday I had grand ambitions of getting in a workout and Airrosti on my shoulder on top of doing weather, writing blogs and packing for a weekend trip to LA.  In a word, I was overloaded!  I ended up working on a blog that ate in to my run time I was hoping to get in before my 1pm Airrosti appointment.

My shoulder was doing better and the third appointment is key.  So in I went to get the one hour of pain in order to gain more shoulder mobility.  I really noticed the difference in my shoulder Saturday.  I've still got a little tightness and pain so I'll go in for one more treatment.  Really looking forward to fully healing from flaring up an old injury!

I did get in a quick dog walk at the park afterwards but that was all I could squeeze in.

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