Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mush, Mush

Yesterday I went dog sledding with Dog Sled Rides of Winter Park.  This was a different adventure from the first time I went dog sledding a little over a year ago.  I was hoping to drive my own sled but that's not what this outfitter does.  Instead my friends Catrina and Nancy and I were bundled up in sleeping bags and sled covers and sent off on an adventure with a musher and 7-8 dogs.  The musher drove the sled and we just sat back and soaked up scenery while enjoying the ride.  In this workout the dogs definitely were the workers.  We went on about a 45 minute ride and covered about 5 miles.  The dogs will do 1-3 runs a day depending on their abilities.  Some of the dogs have trained for the Iditarod.  These dogs are born to run and going dog sledding is a great chance to see that.

After the ride, we got a chance to play with dogs.  You can tell they are very happy.

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