Sunday, March 4, 2012

Running in the Desert

Running in the desert....sounds like a rock song, right?  As I was heading out of the JW Marriott Desert Springs for a run this morning, I asked one of the guys where I should go.  He immediately said go across the street and run to Desert Willow and back to 2 miles or around the Desert Springs for 3.8 miles.

Barely got out the door and was already snapping pictures of the pink flamingos on the property.
After crossing the street to head to Desert Willow, the terrain gets more desert looking with the golf course looking like an oasis.  It was 52 degrees as I started the run and the bunnies were hopping everywhere.  As I took a picture of three bunnies, a fourth one came hopping by.

I really enjoyed the solitude and peacefulness of running alongside the golf course before it got busy with golfers.
So up and back I went to Desert Willow then decided to keep running and started around the Desert Springs.  I was on a couple of main roads going the 3.8 miles around.  There was one spot that just stopped me in my running tracks.  
I just loved the beauty of the golf course, trees, and reflection of trees in the pond.  I cruised around and added a little more distance to make the 6 miles.  

Since I was also traveling today, I was so glad I got the run in first thing in the morning.  As I got in line at the Starbucks in the resort, I smiled remembering the many days in San Antonio I ran to Starbucks for coffee.  I'd get up, do my run and end at a Starbucks that was a quarter of a mile away from where I lived.  It was incentive to run and I got a nice cool down walk with coffee.  It's been awhile since I ran for coffee and so fitting for me today with a great run in an incredible setting of an oasis in the desert.

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