Monday, March 12, 2012

Kinesis Garage Workout, Pilates & Airrosti On A Monday

It was a beautiful day so Erin took me outside to the parking garage for my Kinesis session at Pura Vida Club.  Of course there was running stairs, lunges, push ups squats, and step ups involved.  It was a get back to basics workout.

One of the exercises was a lunge, crane, press series going up a parking garage ramp.  Starting position is holding 8 pound weights by shoulders and do a forward lunge.
Then bring back leg up so foot is next to knee, do a shoulder press, and step into a forward lunge with the leg that is in the crane position.
Here's Erin cueing me through the exercise.
After Kinesis outside we headed inside for an hour of Pilates.  She had me do a lot of new moves today with a lot of abs work.  She also did a great stretching series.

Since the weather is getting warmer, Erin knows I'm kicking up my running.  Stretching is critical to staying injury free so I love getting in a good 10 minute stretch to end the hour and half work.

From there I down a Mix 1 Protein drink, because I'm trying to up my protein intake, and headed over to get my shoulder worked on by Dr. Brian Wilson at Airrosti.  In just two treatments, rotating my arm around and back is getting better.  I'll get another treatment on Thursday.  I'll admit, I'm bad at icing an injury and yes Dr. Wilson got after me.

He also analyzed my push up position and told me I had to change it or risk keep re-injuring my shoulder.  I was doing push ups with my hand out to wide and rolling my shoulders forward.  I'll now be doing them with hands directly under shoulders and drawing my shoulder blades down my back.  That throws the work into the chest, where it should be for push ups, and not in the shoulders.  I'll start my new form push ups on Wednesday in Tim's Dirty 30 class at Pura Vida since I'm sure they'll be a part of the exercise series!

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