Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Park People On A Run

Instead of just checking out into a world of solitude, which I do sometimes on runs especially on a loop at a park, I decided to really look at the people I passed and those that passed my.  Sometimes you just have to wonder what's their story.

As I sat down on the park bench to write today's blog, a woman with a floppy hat walking a blond labradooble and miniature pincher with a pink vest on walked by.  In a strange way, she kind of reminded me of the man in the big yellow hat from Curious George.  I'm a very curious person so a natural connection for me to make.

Off I went on a 5.2 mile run (two loops) at Wash Park.  Shortly after I'd started into my run this guy with a beer belly comes flying by and passes me.  He just kept chugging along.  He's one of those that doesn't look like a runner but can move.  And yes, frustrates me that he could just huff and puff along and still be faster than me.  So that started my run of what's their story.  He just one of those characters you see at the park.

Some of the other cast of characters at the park today:
The two ladies briskly walking in jeans and tennis shoes that were so into a deep conversation that they didn't realize they were taking up the entire path.

The chick with the ripped abs running so fast her dog was having a hard time keep up.

The pencil thin tall guy running short strides that I passed several times because he was running the opposite direction.

The guy that almost ran into a sign pole because he wasn't paying attention to where he was going.

The girl running on the other side of the street that I raced to get up the incline without her knowing it.  She was ahead of me to begin with. I caught and beat her.

The guy in a long sleeve black t-shirt that passed me from the opposite direction as he was just bookin' it. 

There were the sprinters, the joggers, the run/walkers, and walkers on the path. Oh and the geese.

There were the dog walkers, the college kids stretched out on blankets studying in the sunshine, the landscape workers with their small coolers taking a lunch break in the shade, the way out of shape group of tennis players on the courts, the ridiculously fit guy rollerblading with poles who's obviously is training for something, and the cyclists zooming around the park looking like they're in a race.  The ones that impress the most are the ladies running and pushing joggers or strollers.  That's tough to do.

Then there's me. The chick running at a steady pace of about 9 minute miles, soaking up the gorgeous day, letting my mind wander, people watching, and smiling when I caught myself singing out loud to Jason Aldean's "Relentless."  Guess that's a fitting song since I picked up the pace in the last half mile to almost a sprint in the last quarter mile.  Always finish strong!

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